Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Wiimote in term of Human-Computer Interface

[English Version]

Researchs in Motion Tracking, Gesture Recognition, Text Entry and Immersive environments cover the field of Human-Computer Interface. After several posts(1 , 2 , 3), the following new developments use and improve, again, the wiimote for a 3-dimensionnal interaction between the user and the computer.

[Smart Sensor Integration - an example as Human-Computer Interface with a wiimote]
[ (See section "5.Gesture and emotion recognition") ]

1. Introducing the wiimote in term of HCI

- Gaming and beyond with the Wiimote - Applications of the Nintendo Wiimote in terms of Human Computer Interaction (Lang. English)
S. Kahl - Term Paper
Cognitive human-computer interaction Seminar 2009
(Introducing J. Lee's Wiimote applications for beginners)

2. Interface for Text Entry

- Wegliss - Virtual Keyboard with a wiimote : a new HCI (trans. : clavier virtuel à partir d'une wiimote : nouvelle interface homme-machine) (Lang. : French)
J. Bier, I. Pecci,
LITA - Université Paul Verlaine-Metz, Europe (France)

- S. J. Castellucci's Personal web site about research in text entry methods and evaluation(Lang. : English)
S.J. Castellucci, Department of computer science, York University, Canada
And from the same author and his team :
An Empirical Comparison of "Wiimote" Gun Attachments for Pointing Tasks
V. McArthur, S.J. Castellucci, and I. S. MacKenzie

2. Interaction in immersive environments

- virtual interactive display

[Virtual Interactive Displays with the Wiimote - YouTube's video from timmtub3]

- Middleware Mechanisms for Interaction Interoperability in Collaborative Virtual Environments (Lang. : English)
( paper )( slides )( web site )
M. Ciampi, L. Gallo, A. Coronato, and G. De Pietro ICAR-CNR University of Naples, Europe(Italy)

- Interacting with Stroke-Based Rendering on a Wall Display(Lang. : English)
J. Grubert,1 M. Hancock,1 S. Carpendale,1 E. Tse,1 T. Isenberg1,2 1University of Calgary Canada, 2University of Groningen Europe(Netherlands)

- Collaborative work in immersive environments 1
[inria-00433853, v1] Collaborative Exploration of 3D Scientific Data
T. Duval / IRISA – Université de Rennes 1 C. Fleury / IRISA – INSA de Rennes B. Nouailhas / EDF R&D Clamart L. Aguerreche / IRISA – INSA de Rennes Europe (France)

- Collaborative work in immersive environments 2
( Trans. : Evaluation de Métaphores d'Interaction Pour Le Travail Collaboratif Entre Sites Distants D'Immersion Virtuelle (Lang. French)
H. Hrimech Computer Science Thesis, École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers, Europe (France)

-Virtual shelves: interactions with orientation aware devices

- NearTouch: A contactless usage for mobile communication (Lang. : English)
(Trans. NearTouch : Une interaction sans contact avec un terminal mobile)
H. Guan, J. E. Viallet Orange Labs France Télécom, Europe(France)

- Office environment demonstrator :
Rapid Prototyping of an AmI-Augmented Office Environment Demonstrator
(Lang. : English)
D. Grammenos1, Y. Georgalis1, N. Partarakis1, X. Zabulis1, T. Sarmis1, S. Kartakis1, P. Tourlakis1, A. Argyros1,2, and C. Stephanidis1,2 1 Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas 2 Computer Science Department, University of Crete Europe (Greece)

3.motion and body tracking (...again)

J. Lee's applications inspired a lot of new works :

- Head Tracking for OpenGL Applications (Lang. : English)
(location 1) (old location 2)
B.Sc. project Report Frank Evers – (personal web site)

- Supporting Remote Manipulation: An Ecological Approach (Lang. : English)
J. A. Atherton Master of Science Project Department of Computer Science Brigham Young University, USA

- Practical Infrared Object Tracking with Wii Remotes (poster presentation) (Lang. : English)
Sage Browning, Phillip Weber, Jürgen Schulze California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology University of California San Diego, USA

- User Interfaces based on a hand-held projection screen (Lang. : English)
Kristian Bergmann Diplomarbeit - Technische Universität Berlin, Europe (Germany)

- WiiMoCap: a low-cost motion capture system using the Nintendo Wiimote (poster) (Lang.: English)
Narayanan Krishnamurthy1,2, Daniel Bacher1, Joseph F. McFerron3, Aaron P. Batista1,2 1Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; 2 Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Pittsburgh, PA; 3 Crossroads Consulting LLC, Johnstown, PA; USA

- Gestaction3D: a generic tool for visual interaction (trans. : vers un outil générique d'interactions gestuelles) (Lang. French)
S. Meunier – Final Project Report - University Polytech'Nice – Europe (France)

- Experiment with the Wiimote-reading movement (Lang. : English)
Andrea Rodriguez – Personal web site University of Southern California's School of Cinematic Arts, USA

- AAL SAFE Signal Processing Algorithm (Lang. English)
Ricardo Jorge Pina Amaro Master of Biomedical Engineering Coimbra, September 2009 Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra Departamento de Física, Europe (Portugal)

4. Wiimote and sound

- Pinocchio: Conducting a Virtual Symphony Orchestra (Lang. : English)
Bernd Bruegge, Christoph Teschner, Peter Lachenmaier, Eva Fenzl, Dominik Schmidt, Simon Bierbaum Chair for Applied Software Engineering TU München, Europe(Germany)

- Design And Development of An Interactive Sonification Interface For Hearing Images (Lang. : English)
Charles O’Neill and Kia Ng ICSRiM – University of Leeds School of Music & School of Computing, Europe (UK)

5. Gesture and emotion recognition

- Hawk: 3D Gestured-Based Interactive Bird Flight Simulation (Lang. : English)
Dartmouth Computer Science Technical Report TR2009-647 Thomas Yale Eastman

- Wii Want to Write: An Accelerometer Based Gesture Recognition System (Lang. : English)
T. S. Leong, J. Lai, J. Panza, P. Pong, J. Hong
Carnegie Mellon University, USA

- MythMote: Alternative Remote Controllers for Television (Lang. : English)
A. Ramirez Del Villar, M. Kesavan, S. Talapatra, Y. Mundada Georgia Institute of Technology,Atlanta, USA

- Analyzing conductors gestures with the wiimote (Lang. : English)
D. Bradshaw & K. Ng ICSRiM - University of Leeds,School of Computing & School of Music, Europe(U.K.)

- Wiimote Gesture Recognition (Lang. : English)
J. Mlích Doctoral Degree Programme, DCGM, FIT BUT Europe(Germany)

- Gestural Communication With Accelerometer-Based Input Devices And Tactile Displays (Lang. : English)
P. D. Varcholik, Institute for Simulation and Training, University of Central Florida J. L. Merlo, Ph.D., US Military Academy West Point USA

- UbiGesture: Customizing and Profiling Hand Gestures in Ubiquitous Environment (Lang. : English)
A. Atia, S. Takahashi, K. Misue, and J. Tanaka Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, Department of Computer Science, University of Tsukuba, Japan

- Human-Humanoid Walking Gait Recognition (Lang. : English)
V. V. Hafner, F. Bachmann Humboldt-Universit¨at zu Berlin, Institut fur Informatik, Berlin, Europe(Germany)

- Wii Ergometer (Lang. : German )
WiiErgometerTherapeutisches Fahrradfahren Hendrik Bergunde, Thomas Rakow, Sven Schindler Postdam University, Europe(Germany)

- Smart Sensor Integration (SSI) "Smart Sensor Integration: A Framework for Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Real-Time" (Lang. : English)
J. Wagner, E. Andre, F. Jung Multimedia Concepts and Applications, University of Augsburg, Europe(Germany)

6. piloting with a wiimote and other links to browse :

- Radiology examination with a wii remote (Lang. : English) (a video has already been seen in a previous post)
( PDF Page 4 )( Article )( Software to download )
Lu Zheng Michael Brown, Department of Computer Science National University of Singapore, Singapore

- Orchestra and Comau Robotics – Piloting robot with a wii remote

- LEGO Mindstorms Wii – Controlled Robot (Lang. English)
Design & Innovation Project Nanyang Technological University, Singapore M. A. Chengappa, A. Goyal, S. B. Saaban, S. S. Pal, S. Singh

- Interactive PTZ Camera Control System Using Wii Remote and Infrared Sensor Bar
A. H. W. Goh, Y. S. Yong, C. H. Chan, S. J. Then, L. P. Chu, S. W. Chau, and H. W. Hon Multimedia University, Malaysia

- Other blogs and links to browse about wiimote :
a. marvelous night for a moon dance (Lang. : Spanish)
b. bookmark site (Lang. : English)
c. Glide Labs - Diary containing details of a final year project - Wiimote-based project (Lang. : English)
d. Wiimote head tracking in processing (Lang. : English)



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